
About ranya


From a very early age, I felt very comfortable communicating thoughts and emotions through writing. Words hold tremendous power in my view, whereby images can become permanently implanted into the reader’s mind. And so, I began dabbling with literal imagery and poetry at about the age of eight. By the age of twenty one, I had compiled over fifty poems, with topics ranging from love and war to nature and serenity.

→ View FREE samples of my poetry here!

By my mid-twenties, I became an avid reader in the thriller genre. Seriously, what can be more thrilling than a book you can’t seem to put down no matter how hard you try? The twists and turns, the rollercoaster of emotions, and the unexpected endings have all made this genre a passion of mine.

The years rolled by, reading led to writing, and voila ‘Sophie’s World’ sprung to life in 2020! This is my debut thriller novel and I really hope you enjoy reading it just as much as I enjoyed writing it. I am currently working on my second book, a murder-thriller, which I hope I will finish writing by the end of the year! Besides writing, I enjoy all forms of contemporary dance, interior aesthetics, as well as playing the drums! I hope you subscribe to my monthly newsletter where I will be sharing updates with you on my writing, upcoming events, as well as tips, challenges, and triumphs of becoming a published author!

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